Solly Ross

directxman12[at]gmail[dot]com @directxman12


Compiler & PL nerd with a fondness for devtooling and making small improvements wherever they can be found.


Edge Delivery Fuchsia Editor Lead
  • Led cross-team effort to develop an IDE-like experience for developing for Fuchsia
  • Developed IDE & LSP-centric parsers for Fuchsia-specific languages
  • Maintained VSCode plugin for Fuchsia-specific features (including core contributions, CI setup, code quality, etc)
KubeBuilder Project Lead
  • Led the KubeBuilder project, the Kubernetes extension development toolkit
  • Developed code & config generation tools, runtime libraries, & docs for building extensions
  • Fostered inter-company colaboration around KubeBuilder & evangelized it to the community
  • Supported & advised Google-internal teams around extension development
  • Assisted with on-call support for compute-node-level customer issues
Kubernetes & OpenShift Engineer
  • Led the autoscaling special-interest group, developed & maintained the autoscaling component
  • Developed and maintained core metrics infrastructure & tooling
  • Implemented fixes & features for the compute node component
  • Developed KubeBuilder's runtime libraries
OpenStack Nova Developer
  • Designed & implemented features & bugfixes for OpenStack's VM management layer & utility libraries
  • Assisted in documentation development

Additional OSS Work

Maintained noVNC, the HTML VNC Client

Contributed features, CI, full test suite, and significant performance improvements, and well as general maintainer duties (triage, support, etc)

Primary developer of Python-GSSAPI

Developed GSSAPI bindings used across a variety of Python projects, wrote documentation & tutorials, identified and RCAed bugs in MIT Krb5's C GSSAPI implementation